If you still don?t have any plans for your next holiday in Galicia, read on!
27 may 2022 . Actualizado a las 05:00 h.A holiday in Galicia goes a long way. Enjoying nature at its finest, spending a day on the beach or visiting some landmarks are just a few of the options for spending a day out and about in Galicia. So get your backpack on, hop on whatever form of transport you like and enjoy the ride. We’ll help you pick your destination.
Cabo Touriñán, in Muxía

Legend has it that the latest sunset in continental Europe takes place in Fisterra. However, there is a corner of the Costa da Morte where the sun can be seen for a few seconds longer. Cabo Touriñán, in Muxía, enjoys this privilege for two months of the year. Going out in search of the last few rays of sunlight is the perfect excuse to take in the wild coastline of this area. While you’re at it, why not complete one or other of the many routes on offer and get to know the rich heritage of Muxía.
Ruta da Pedra e da Auga, in Arousa

Let’s be honest, it rains a fair bit in Galicia. But, like everything else, this comes with a silver lining, in this case because it makes the landscape so green… or the rivers, which are at their most splendid in spring. The perfect excuse to spend a day hiking along routes such as the Ruta da Pedra e da Auga, in the heart of Arousa. With more than 30 windmills, a village inhabited by sculptures and countless waterfalls, no wonder it has become one of the most popular natural sites in the region.
San Andrés de Teixido

“Vai de morto quen non foi de vivo” (roughly “He who fails to visit me in life shall do so in death”). And so the proverb goes: there is simply no excuse for not visiting San Andrés de Teixido at least once in your life. This small village of white, cobblestone houses is located in a privileged setting, nestling among the cliffs of the coast of Cedeira, considered among the highest in mainland Europe. A place shrouded in legend, such as the one about the saint himself or his fountain, and also tradition, such as the hierba namoradeira (herb of love) or figures made of bread.
O Santo beach and island, in Marín

Fancy a day of sun and sand? While the sandy beaches of the Rías Baixas are usually packed during this season, by avoiding the most touristy areas you can find hidden gems where you can enjoy the unique microclimate of the local area… and even take a dip, weather permitting! One such place would be the sandy beaches of O Santo, located in the parish of Ardán, in Marín. When the tide is out, a footbridge of sand grants access to the island of O Santo do Mar, where you can find the remains of a fortified settlement and a hermitage.
Santiago de Compostela

Crossing through the Porta Santa into the cathedral is pretty much compulsory this year. Although it has been a long time coming, the full celebration of the Xacobeo Holy Year is now upon us. With hardly any restrictions in place and with hundreds of pilgrims now doing the Camino, Santiago is once again the centre of Europe. While for many tourists visiting the Cathedral or strolling through the old town may not be anything new, the festive atmosphere and the opening of tourist attractions such as the Pórtico da Gloria (main gate of the cathedral) are more than enough incentive to revisit the great apostle.
Thermal baths of Outariz, in Ourense

The Outariz public baths, located in the city of Ourense, finally reopened their doors this winter after spending many a month closed to the public. If you have yet to enjoy your first bathe of the season, and considering that the weather seems to have gone haywire this year, these thermal baths are the ideal place to take a dip, or should we say relax, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Visiting the baths on a rainy or cold day is also a great plan thanks to its warm, relaxing waters.
O Invernadeiro Nature Reserve

Nature reserves are always a great choice for a day out. Of the six to be found in Galicia, perhaps the least known is the O Invernadeiro natural park. Located in the central massif of Ourense, it boasts some of the highest peaks in Galicia, making it an ideal destination for the more adventurous and for those looking to disconnect for a day, as it is all but untouched by humankind. However, you will first need to request authorisation from the Xunta de Galicia (regional government).
Cabo do Mundo

The Ribeira Sacra is now one of Galicia’s most popular destinations. But if you only have a day to spare, it is also a great option for a day out. Although the Sil canyon is perhaps the most well-known destination here, if you’re looking to get away from the tourist hot-spots, you might want to head to the Miño area. The views are equally as impressive. Just head to the viewpoint of Cabo do Mundo, in O Saviñao, located on one of the steepest meanders of the river and surrounded by terraces of vineyards climbing up the mountainside. We dare you to say otherwise!